Did you know your business card can either bring you business or take it away? How does that 3- inch marketing tool have so much power?
While the art of feng shui which I practice and teach is about the environment in which we live, it is also about energy. Its basic concept which you will see me referencing in all my blog posts, is chi (chinese word for energy). The card is one of the first pieces of information you hand out about your business. It is a lost opportunity if it feels cheap, looks tacky, unprofessional, or is offensive in any way. As it is said, the first few seconds of someone meeting you an impression is made, so is true of the business card.
In one of my favorite books of all time, The Greatest Salesman In The World, Og Mandingo, says he gives his card out to everyone he meets without fail. Today, we may not do it so much feeling we are being pushy. “Wait until someone asks for your card before you give it out”, I have heard. I would rather have someone’s card so I can contact them in the future if only for a question or a social reason. The worst is to go to a networking meeting for the purpose of meeting potential customers and not have any cards on you. Now, I would not just walk up to someone I didn’t know and give my card out but how often do we do that anyway? I am talking about a normal day where we are usually in some sort of conversation with several people. Whenever someone asks for my phone number not business related, I give them my card. My number is there and it is an opportunity for them to think about me for my business in the future.
So, now that we have decided to give our card out more, let’s make sure it’s inviting enough for people to want to keep and read.
Here are some basic tips to Feng Shui Your Business Card for Success:
1) LOVE your card. If it is okay or you don’t like it in any way, it will lose effectiveness . The lack of interest will be reflected in the card which then passes on to the receiver. It is an extension of you and your business’s energy.
2) Company name must be clear in that it is easy for people to know what you do? If you teach yoga and your card says, “The Red Door”, you are losing energy. Logo or name with your service in it is the most powerful.
2) Have a powerful tag line. This gives you a chance to state the benefit of what you do and build your brand. The Red Door Yoga Studio, “creating healthy bodies and minds”. This adds more clarity and impact.
3) Use Powerful color combinations. Use five element color combinations. Elements support each other. Water, Metal, Earth, Fire, Wood. Best colors for new business are White, Black, Green. White is Metal element and it produces Water (Black). Water nourishes Wood. Wood is growth like a tree which means growth in the business. Water creates the flow and metal the money. Metallic golds add money energy.
4) Card needs a good feel to it. Use good card stock, nothing flimsy. Its sort of like shaking someones’ hand that goes limp. The energy is low. You want each moment to count. See your card as an extension of you and your hand and that you are handing over an energy boost to the person, leaving them feeling positive about you.
5)Keep it clean and uncluttered. Too much writing on a card does not leave room for opportunities to enter. Leave room for some note writing that may be needed. When I meet someone I will write a word on it to make me remember their name in the future.
6)Make sure people can get hold of you. Have your phone number and e-mail prominent. It is like being invited to your house but I can’t find it because the house numbers are hidden. It says the chi is blocked and prosperity will be slow in coming to you.
7)Add some red for recognition and prosperity. Red is the fire element and it activates and energizes things.
8)Use wealth symbols as logos. Ships are good luck in feng shui esp. if they are moving towards you like bringing you wealth. Water and goldfish are symbols for money. Make sure logos and images are moving forward not backwards.
9) Round shapes signify harmony. Use rounded fonts instead of sharp, angled, or pointed fonts. Avoid sharp points aiming at you in your logo. These create arguments and disputes.
10) Use wavy borders, logos, to signify water and flow. This will mean good movement in your career.
11)Use more traditional card shapes rather than something unique or odd-shaped. People often throw away the ones they cannot fit into their filing system. The horizontal shape is considered “lucky in feng shui”.
And of course make sure there are no typos or outdated info. as this will lower the energy of the card and its appeal.
We offer feng shui consultations for your marketing needs. 18 yrs. of succesful sales/marketing experience . Future posts will be on feng shui for your website. Contact us anytime at www.designforenergy.com
Update your business cards today to stay ahead of the competition and give you the added edge in your business.
Happy Selling,
Need business card logo and design
Hello Katherine:
I am just seeing this message of a few years ago. Technology! Argghh! If I can help in any way, feel free to call or text me at 512/740-1251 for a free 30-minute feng shui phone session.
Thank you,
I am looking for someone to design my business card with feng shui influence.I am a garden designer.I have a kogo and photo J would like to use it.Please have in mind the logo on my website is old .I have new one.
Kind regards
I am just seeing this message. I’d be happy to help you. Let’s set up a phone session next week. How about Wednesday of next week around noon CST? If not, let me know of some good times for you.