2025 Special Available now! Hope you had a great Dragon year in 2024. If not, are you ready for a whole new start, a do-over? 2025 will be the Year of the Wood-Snake. It brings energies for transformation. It is time for shedding your old skin making way for an even more successful you. I have a powerful yet easy-to-use online kit that can help you harness the year’s great energies. It will help you remedy Illness and Money Loss while boosting Wealth. It is based on the advanced Feng Shui Flying Star system. While it is not the only thing that determines your good feng shui, it is an important part of it. Don’t worry if you are new to feng shui as the kit explains how to energize your space for the year in an easy way. My 2025 Feng Shui For Success DIY Online Kit is for those who would like to do some feng shui on their own. I am always available via Zoom to go over the remedies with you. Just schedule an appt. through my email: designforenergy@gmail.com. The kit is designed to provide useful tips that can help you have more prosperity and good health this year. Click on our Shop Tab for details and ordering. https://designforenergy.com/products/ Order now and receive it as a PDF file directly to your Inbox giving you plenty of time to get your space ready. The Lunar New Year begins on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025. If for any reason you do not receive your paid kit within 24 hrs., please contact us immediately by phone, text, or email. 512/740-1251. Thank you and Abundant Blessings in 2025!
Why do I do what I do?
I remember an interview with Oprah Winfrey and David Copperfield, the celebrity magician. He has several homes in the Bahamas that are gorgeous. He mentioned to Oprah that he had them “Feng Shui-ed.” He said, “Yes, in Feng Shui, there is the science, the formulas, but it’s ultimately about the feel.” This is so true as we all want to feel good, be happier, and want our environments to have great vibes. If we feel good, we do good!
Feng Shui is also a transformative art which is my favorite part of it. If you’re like many people, from time to time you may feel that your career, job, or health, needs a boost. It either isn’t going as well as it should for your efforts or you are not finding any joy in it. You may feel blocked and want to feel your best so you can manifest things easily.
I was at this crossroads years ago in my corporate life as a pharmaceutical/medical sales representative. As successful as it was on many levels, I was not making the money or receiving the promotions I deserved. I was doing all the right things so I was very unhappy with the lack of results. I knew something was wrong but didn’t know how to fix it. I came across the art of Feng Shui from a friend. She told me that moving things around in my office could positively affect my career. This intrigued me as I was already an energy worker. Also, what did I have to lose?
Feng Shui is an ancient art. Implementing the Feng Shui techniques I learned in my home office, absolutely catapulted my lagging career. I experienced more pay raises and promotions in a 2 yr. period than I had in the previous 10 years. I was happier and more successful than I had ever been. I became the only woman in sales leadership at the time. I resigned in 2000 on good terms and decided to follow the dream of owning my own business.
I knew I wanted to learn more and help others achieve this level of success. It was important to me to get formal training. So with my training in Feng Shui in the US and China, along with my years of successful sales and marketing experience, I have the insights/knowledge to help you make the changes you need for even more success in your life.
I work with you as an advisor/mentor throughout our time together to help remove any blocks to success and identify changes you can easily make to improve the energy flow in your space for more abundance. No space is too large or too small.
Once the energy flow in your space is improved, you can be more relaxed/energized/motivated and will be able to conduct your business and life with even more abundance. I would love to work with you. Please check out our reviews on Yelp and Google. Hope to meet you soon! Sending you warm chi, Belinda
“To live in a sacred space is to live in a symbolic environment where spiritual life is possible, where everything around you speaks of the exaltation of the spirit.”
Joseph Cambell, Reflections on the Art of Living”.
“Urban Feng Shui Master”Austin, TX
Watch my Interview with Jeff Kikel of T-Werx.
Recent Blog Articles
Feng Shui for Business
Tap Into Ancient Secrets so you Make More Money Now
Feng Shui for Home
Create a Space that Supports You and Your Goals
Feng Shui for Life
Receive Intuitive Guidance to Unlock the Door to Incredible Results
Learn more about the Power of Feng Shui to Change Your Life
Energy Work
Discover Untapped Potential for even more Clarity and Joy
“I am grateful for you all the work you have done for me. I feel a lightness and more clarity. I feel like this is what I have needed for a long time. I can’t thank you enough!”
~ J. M. singer-songwriter, Austin, TX.
“My experience working with you has been excellent! You are highly professional, you listen to the client and you address the issues that concern me. I had you come and rebalance the energy in my house as well as some other issues I was having. You cleared the negative energy and addressed my Feng Shui issues and within a short period of time, my concerns were solved and I felt an immediate change in the energy of my home. I will defiantly use you again and in fact, would like to do this once a year. Thank you so much, Belinda, it was a pleasure working with you.”
~ R. McIntyre, Senior Director. Austin, TX.
“My first office in Austin TX was missing something, but I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. After hiring Belinda to perform a complete redesign of my office, my practice exploded and I’ve opened a new larger office! Before I signed my new lease, Belinda was the first person I called for approval of the location to ensure maximum prosperity.”
~ Dr. Roland Robinson, Chiropractor, Austin, TX
“I first started working with Belinda about 4 or so years ago. She offered advice on my Wellness office that has prospered year after year from her suggestions. She is fun and easy to work with, and her suggestions are highly effective.”
~ Dr. Tenesha Wards, Austin, TX