In the art of feng shui, each area of your home is a life area. With that said, closets are just as important as any room in your home. Depending on the area and floor plan of your living space, your money area might be a closet so it’s an area that shouldn’t be ignored or forgotten.
How to keep your closet’s energy at its maximum potential and that area of your life moving:
Closets often get ignored, cluttered or closed. Naturally, it can tend to be a one stop spot for clothes we’ve forgotten about, items we haven’t seen in months or other miscellaneous items that don’t have a real ‘home’ in your home. Needless to say, it doesn’t matter if it’s a storage closet for things you don’t use, it can still greatly affect your life. For starters, start with a basic declutter whether that’s the Marie Kondo method of finding what brings you joy or simply eliminating things that no longer serve you or are of use to your daily routines. This is a great opportunity to find these items a new home. Does your neighborhood have a buy/sell/trade page? This is an easy way to declutter and remove these items in a sustainable way. You can also refer to this simple recycling guide for items that can be safely recycled in Austin. Not only does it feel great to reduce clutter in an Earth-friendly way, but it’s also boosting the energy in this area with a simple task that frees up space for things you do use and need.
You should also have good lighting to find items easier and try keeping things organized by categories using The Home Edit method or any other color coding way that helps you stay organized. Try using the saying: “a place for everything and everything in its place” for inspiration and remember how easy it will be to reorganize when things get cluttered again because everything will have its own home. Did you know? Color can actually affect your state of mind and how balanced you feel in a space! You’d be surprising how arranging by color can mentally sort through the clutter on its own. It’s a great way to walk into a room feeling clear headed and stress free.
Feng Shui areas of abundance to remember:
Southeast: Money
South: Fame
Southwest: Relationships
North: Career
Northwest: Helpful People and Mentors
Northeast: Spirituality and Self-Cultivation
Lastly, remember that by sending me just a few pictures, I can help set up a Feng Shui your closet Zoom session to help keep prosperity flowing at any point. Happiness, joy, and organization is at your fingertips. I’m just one call away at 512-740-1251.