In the world of Feng Shui, abundance is a key word. Who doesn’t want abundance in their lives? One of the ways to allow abundance to flow is through GRATITUDE.
At Thanksgiving time, it is one of the times millions of families get together to give thanks. Giving thanks says to the universe that you appreciate your life and all your blessings. This action creates a movement of more good things to come your way.
Unfortunately, the holidays can be a depressing, argumentative time for some people. Getting a head start in your mind and actions will make for a happy and stress free, day of Gratitude. Intend to have a harmonious, fun, and stress-free holiday.
Here are some Auspicious Decorating Tips for inviting good chi into your home with the Thanksgiving holiday:
- Add Reds. Red is the fire element and it invites prosperity. Red candles, tableclothes, fresh flowers, etc.
- Use pairs. Set your dining table up in pairs. 2, 4, 6, 8 chairs create harmony.
- Create an Abundance Table. Bring out your best stuff. Go all out with decor, colors, candles, to create a feeling of abundance and wealth. Add golds for wealth energy. Plate mirrors expand the abundance.
- Add Scents. For energizing use eucalyptus. For calming, lavender. Pine, cedar, and cinnamon are also good ones. Not too many but a spritzer or diffuser with essential oils can do the trick. A warm baked pie or cookies in the oven always works well. Scents move energy creating a feeling of flow.
- Add Earth. Thanksgiving represents “the bounty” and earth is its element. Ceramic and pottery dishes and serving pieces do the job nicely. Bringing in yellows and orange colors also help.
- Clean. Clean your home thoroughly before company arrives. Dust creates stagnant energy. Take care of kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms beforehand as they all are important in feng shui . This will set the energy for a clean slate to begin to entertain when guests arrive.
- Show Gratitude. Ask all your guests to say something they are grateful for as you begin your meal. Let your guests know how grateful you are to be spending time with them. “What you have you will get more of”, is an energetic prosperity law. So if you have good friends over dinner it is said you will have more of them in your future.
- Give to your favorite Charity. Giving back brings good fortune your way. It is not the reason to do it, it just happens to increase your money flow. I go to the bank and get a bundle of dollar bills. I give them out all month to homeless on the streets along with either protein bars, water, or nuts. Many have their dogs with them so I have some packaged dog food to give out.
- Give Service in some way. Do something extra for your customers that they might not expect. I know of a realtor who delivered fresh pumpkins to many of her customers throughout the month.
The design tips work for your business space if entertaining during this time. Call us for our Holiday Decorating Package. We can help you decorate your living, dining, foyer, or lobby of your business to save you time and make for a prosperous event.
We can help you in a couple of ways:
- We can work with a room with no decor. We can go shopping together and buy items that would work best for your space and intentions.
- We can use what you have to make your space come to life.
Call us today for a free estimate.
Wishing you and yours a Very Happy and Prosperous Thanksgiving.
Belinda Mendoza
Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Author, and Teacher
Design For Energy
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