Fall is here. I love it! I live in beautiful Austin, Texas where the weather is lovely this time of year. In feng shui, fall is the harvest, time to reap what you have sown all year. It is also a time to get rid of the past, the old and anything that no longer serves you. It helps to prepare you for new beginnings in the coming year. In feng shui each season is a different element and color.
They all have a different energy, color, and meaning.
- Spring – Greens, browns, woods
- Summer – Bright yellows, Oranges, Fiery Reds
- Fall – Autumn Colors like burnt oranges,dark reds, browns, golds, yellows
- Winter -blacks, blues,purples,metallics
Fall is the second time in a year I do some major de-cluttering and I look forward to it. Not that I don’t do it all year long but a real overhaul takes place at my house during these times. I know that sounds strange to be thrilled about this process but I just feel so good after. Yes, I de-clutter all yeat but at these times I get into my old clothes, put some music on, dedicate a whole day in nice brisk weather, and clean out my garage or patio or backyard. It is where the overflow from the house goes leading to the next step…. donating to charitable groups. In one school of feng shui, your garage is a life area or an extension of the area inside. This is especially important if you use the garage to enter your home. It becomes the “mouth of chi”, or where maximum energy flow enters your home. It is important that it is open, organized, clean, and fresh.
Good Mantra: Less Clutter, More Flow
I like to have everything organized and labeled if it is something I will keep. The get rid of pile is neatly set up so it is ready when I need to deliver or have someone pick up the things. If it’s not been used in a while, I get rid of it.
Here are my Key Tips for Fall Abundance: 
- Pick a good day where you have no disruptions to do your fall de-cluttering. A good weather day will allow you to open up windows and give the house a chance to breathe.
- Get a friend or a professional organizer to help you if it’s a big challenge for you. You can get things knocked out quicker this way too.
- Pick an area like your garage, your yard shed, your attic, your kids room, your office, etc. Don’t try to do the whole house. One area a weekend works best if you want to do that process.
- Be aware that each room in your home has meaning. Bedrooms are for relationship/partnership; Bathrooms for health; Office for business: Attics represent aspirations; cellars or basements are the past, etc. So whatever you clean out will open up energy for those life areas.
- Get rid of anything you have not used in over a year. Donate it, give it away, or sell it! This will move energy and allow more things to come your way.
- Clean the area thoroughly to get rid of dust. Dust is stagnant energy. Don’t put things back unless you have dusted or washed them.
- Celebrate your accomplishment with a friend or family member to herald in “new beginnings”. Its good luck and keeps you motivated.
I guarantee you will not only feel better after but things in your life will being to happen magically. Some people’s businesses slow down at this time or stop. This is because they have allowed clutter to build up. There is plenty of abundance energy all around you at this time so take advantage of it now. If you need to reach me, I’ll be in my garage! 🙂
Prosperous Blessings,
Belinda Mendoza
Feng Shui Master/Teacher/Consultant
Design For Energy.com
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