Spring months of March, April, and May are great for new growth and opportunities. In Feng Shui it is the season that is represented by the Wood Element. Wood is plants and flowers and the colors of green and brown. It is like a tall tree or a small bush. Yang wood or Yin Wood would be a huge Oak tree as compared to a light and airy dogwood tree.
Spring is a time for new opportunities. We just came out of the winter months of hibernation and the new year’s energies have boosted us forward. Now we can begin to think about planting seeds for new growth in the year.
Do you have a business? Is it doing well? What are you doing to insure you have steady income throughout the year? You may need some of these powerful tips.
Key Tips To Boost Abundance:
- State an Intention. Where are you now and where do you want to go? Write this down. Put in a prominent place in your office.
- De-clutter Your Office/Desk. Make room for opportunities to find their way to you. Keep your desk clear.
- Clean out Your Emails. Allow for good news to arrive by clearing out emails. Opening up your email box each morning with 40 or more emails is blocking your success. Keep them cleaned out.
- Add Life to your Office. Add some life to your space with water features, good lighting, plants. Flowers are good luck. April flowers bring May showers.
- Take Action. Do some unique marketing, start a blog, attend a new networking group, display at a vendor fair. Anything new that gets you out is good as this time is auspicious.
- Excercise More, Eat Right. Spring is a good time for the body to recharge after the sluggish winter time. It loves movement. You feel and look better providing you with the energy you will need for all the new business coming your way.
- Do Some Feng Shui. If you know about 2015 Cures, be sure you have implemented them. They are powerful and will help boost your efforts at this time.
- Do Some Smudging. Get rid of any stagnant energy if you business is not flourishing. Get some sage, light it, open up doors and windows. It will smoke. Wave it around you space. Leave a window cracked or a door open for a few hours after. You can light incense, use essential oils, after if you like to freshen the space. This all helps to clean and clear the energy for new beginnings.
Happy Spring!